Get Involved!

Get Started

  1. Start by understanding the world of broadband and internet development.
  2. Connect with organizations and neighbors that share your interest.
  3. Express your views with state and local policy makers.

State Policy Positions

  1. Encourage creative public/private partnerships that (a) encourage “broadband friendly” local policies, (b) build upon current publicly available networks, (c) utilize private funding for major investment (a WestNGN strategy), and (d) encourage partnerships that include electrical utilities by reviewing state laws to eliminate barriers to entry for providers. At a minimum, resist any pressure from incumbents to add further limits on what counties/cities can do.
  2. Support allowing counties and municipalities to install dark fiber and to lease to private providers in rural areas with the understanding that cost would be recovered by a percentage of the gross revenue (not profit).
  3. Support the state’s Information Technology Office in adequately mapping current fiber locations, measuring actual internet speed, serving as a resource for local communities and advocating for broadband in the state.
  4. Fund innovative initiatives in rural communities to provide health care, education, and economic development opportunities via high-speed broadband technologies.
  5. Encourage the Dept. of Transportation to allow rural counties and cities to utilize unused dark fiber in the NCDOT network.

Local Policy Positions

  1. Encourage every county and city to create broadband committees.
  2. Urge adoption of broadband expansion in county, regional, and municipal plans.
  3. Support collaborative efforts among school districts, municipal and county governments in promoting broadband.
  4. Urge governments, homeowner associations and developers to practice “dig once” policies where fiber optic conduit is installed when developing land, building sidewalks, creating public pathways, or constructing highways.
  5. Seek local funding from foundations and individuals to reduce the digital divide.

Take Action!

  1. Join with the WNC Broadband Project, the State Broadband Office or Connect USA to volunteer to join the effort. Contact WNC Broadband Project members.
  2. Form or join a local committee to analyze broadband speeds and availability. Email local leader, William Sederburg, at
  3. Promote broadband friendly policies with decision-makers you are acquainted with or who represent you.
  4. Urge governmental and community leaders to communicate directly with providers about the state of current and future service levels. Ask these local leaders to identify underserved neighborhoods and areas, to bring them to the attention of both the community and their service providers.