Broadband News Posts
Broadband 101
What is broadband and why is it important? Learn more about broadband and test your speed.
Community Initiatives
What is broadband and why is it important? Learn more about broadband and test your speed.
UNCA Mass Communication Student Project Work – visit Broadband Bulldogs.
Actions We Can Take
Learn more about broadband initiatives and the digital divide in WNC, what candidates and policymakers are saying, and how to get involved.
Speed Test and Mapping
Take the speed test to learn more about the capabilities of your speed and to contribute your speed data to further improve broadband in your community.
The WNC Broadband aims to support communities interested in ensuring access to reliable, truly high-speed internet service. It develops tools to empower individuals, communities, and area leaders in advocating effectively for their digital needs. As a community-supported initiative building on the work of West Next Generation Network (WestNGN), it is not owned or controlled by any affiliate of WestNGN. The WNC Broadband team is also not financed by any corporate entity, as such financing would be inconsistent with the Project’s independent community engagement focus. The views, opinions and products of the WNC Broadband team are the sole responsibility of the team members and its advisory board, acting in their personal capacity and not in any capacity related to WestNGN, UNC Asheville, or any other WestNGN affiliate.